It is not every week you end up on multiple shoots photographing Chef’s that have a combined total of 8 Michelin stars. It was a phenomenal week mainly topped by Michel Roux inviting me to stay to eat lunch after I had completed his portraits that will and up in his publication, The Waterside Magazine. I then continued to shoot add-hock as I indulged in 5 stunning courses washed down with Michael’s very own Champagne.
The Waterside Inn
Lunch with Michel Roux at his three Michelin Star restaurant in Bray.
On another evening, underground in a basement cookery school in London, I found myself surrounded by unbelievable talent with some of the best chef’s the world offers. There was a great atmosphere as; Raymon Blanc, James Tanner, Toby Burrowes, Simin Rogan, Eric Lanlard & Ollie Dabbous cooked up a feast.
The Underground Kitchen
Press event for Ascot’s 2019 Food Launch.